Drift's Open Mainnet is now live!

Open Mainnet Launch of Perpetual Swaps on Solana

Drift Protocol


Open Mainnet Launch

Yesterday, we published a blog post on statistics on our Alpha Mainnet, which traded $100M+ in volume in its first month.

Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve launched on Open Mainnet! Now, the platform is open to trade for all.

Dynamic vAMM and Lower Slippage for Traders

With Open Mainnet launching, trading volumes and open interest will increase significantly. Drift’s dynamic vAMM (DAMM) is designed to steadily adjust k based on trading demand to ensure slippage is continually reducing over time.

As such, with dynamic k adjustments and increased volumes, traders should experience slippage for sizeable trades decreasing throughout the month.

Read our docs for more information about our DAMM construction!

Get In Touch!

🌐 Visit us at drift.trade 🌐

📩 Email us at hello@drift.trade 📩

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👾 Find us on Twitter — @DriftProtocol 👾



Drift Protocol

A scalable, decentralised, capital-efficient derivatives exchange built on Solana.